Sunday, 12 October 2008

WotUSeek Launch

Wot U Seek is finally launched. Here is the press release below:
Family and Business Friendly Search Engine

What’s your family looking at?

The Internet transmits straight into our family homes. What is being let into your home? is a free search engine. It aims to be a competitive alternative to the major search engines on the internet. What distinguishes from any other search engine is that it filters out Adult content and hate content. This is a permanent feature that is regularly updated, welcoming feedback if inappropriate sites are missed by the filter (so they can be filtered out for future families). Unlike most of the major search engines, does not profit, promote or advertise pornography. We have already removed approximately 200,000,000 inappropriate sites!!! (That is not a misprint!)

Hi my name is Simon Clayson, I am one of the Directors of I am married and a father to a little girl and a little boy. was born out of frustration with the major search engines returning random and inappropriate Adult sites when I was searching for business purposes. This was more evident when I was searching for children’s sites for my daughter, (such as nursery rhymes) with adult sites produced in the search. I did not want to see those images and I definitely do not want my son or my daughter to see such degrading and inappropriate images. What if I was not there while my daughter was searching? has been designed to search the internet like any other search engine. You will be able to find anything BUT Adult content. It is very useful for Educational or Business use. We are also removing gambling sites as part of our ongoing filtering activities. is providing an additional service to its users. There is a link for anyone who has problems with addiction (internet/pornography/sexual) and would like assistance to overcome this addiction.

We would love your support. You can access and make your permanent search engine. You will not only be supporting a search engine with family friendly beliefs but sending a message to the other search engines to clean up their act!

We appreciate your time and attention. Please forward this to everyone you know.
From the team at
Family and Business Friendly Search Engine