If you've ever read the Left Behind Series of books, it tells the story of what might happen if the Rapture occurs. In the story, a pastor pre-recorded a video message for those who were left behind because they did not follow Jesus Christ. In the video he outlines God's plan for salvation. There is a second chance for those who missed the Rapture, but it's not easy.
There are many many prophecies that point to the end times. Each one of them will be fulfilled before the end comes. I'm no bible scholar, but I can tell you some of these are going to be obvious to see:
- A one-world monetary system. All currencies will be merged into the one system.
- Everyone will be required to take a mark on the right hand or forehead. No one will be able to buy or sell without it
- The world's focus will shift to the middle-east with Israel at the centre. America as a super-power will fade away into insignificance.
- There will be an "anti-christ", which could mean either "Against Christ" or "Instead of Christ", like a Jesus-substitute. Look out for anyone that sets themselves up as God in Israel
- The temple will be rebuilt in Israel.
So, this is my "where did all the christians go?" webpage. If we're gone, now you know. Where do you stand with God? It's time to respond to God's call to repentance.