Saturday, 22 December 2007

Amazing Perth Christmas Lights

The blurb with the video clip says:

26,500 light bulbs, 128 lighting channels, 5 kilometres of electrical cable, 220 man hours to set up and $3.40/night in power to run - the end result is thousands of excited children and adults viewing this amazing Christmas lights show.

Every light is synched to music which is heard by motorists on a FM92.5 as they drive past this home in Bishop Riley Way, Churchlands Western Australia.

We aim to raise $10k for children's charities - as at 21/12 we've raised $6,071 - drive by til December 28

If you're in Perth, check it out.


We drove past the house tonight. The traffic was very heavy, and there were lots of people there. It's much better in real life than on You Tube, so check it out.

While you're there, make sure you make a donation, towards children's charities.

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