This is where Western Australia starts changing. There's lots of red dirt. We saw wild goats beside the road. Along the way there were 24hr stopover sites - a huge parking bay off the main road with a toilet, bins, and BBQ.
Stopped at Billabong Roadhouse, noticed they had internet access. Just outside Billabong we spotted a lone cyclist on the road. I'm amazed that anyone could ride such distances in the middle of the Australian summer.
We turned off at the Overland Roadhouse, and headed toward Denham. We drove through the Electric vermin-proof fence. A sign beside the fence says that it was erected to keep livestock out of the marine park. There are speakers on each side of the road with recorded barking dogs, to scare off the animals. My wife called it "dog in a can".

We arrived Denham.

Water in Denham is produced from a desalination plant, so there are 3 grades of water available: potable (desalinated), bore water, salt water. There's a sign near the entrance of the town which reads:
Attention Visitors to Denham
Potable water in denham is supplied from a desalination plant operated by the Water Corporation. Desalination of water on such a scale is still a relatively new and expensive technology but a supply adequate for normal potable uses is made available at a greatly subsidised price ...
Each property has an annual allowance of this highly subsidised water. Usage in excess of the allowance is charged at a penalty price which reflects the true cost ...
In order to remain with the allowance desalinated water should only be used for drinking, kitchen, bathroom and laundry purposes and not for other uses such as toilet and garden. A separate connection of artesian water is made to each property for these purposes
Please use desalinated water sparingly to conserve the subsidised supply and to avoid severe penalty charges.
Outside the Water Coporation depot there's a coin operated water dispenser. For $1.00, we got 10l of water. I guess at home we're so used to just turning on the tap, without giving another thought to the cost...

Only grassed site available. Shared with lots of others. Tent city! Grass is nice – no sand, only shell grit.

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