A stressful lead-up to the trip, trying to finish all the urgent work-related projects before we left.
Took the cat to the vet. She hasn't been well for some time. When we first took her to the vet, they said it was either an infected jaw, or cancer. The prescribed antibiotics weren't making a difference, and she was getting worse. It turned out to be cancer, so sadly we had to have her put down.
Sent my oldest son out for a shopping trip to buy batteries for torches etc. $40 for batteries. He won't let me forget just how much it cost ... $40!
The house-sitter lost the house keys. Finally found them in a biscuit box where they had fallen in.
First attempt at packing the car failed. We obviously had too much stuff to fit in the car. So, quick trip to the relatives for a box trailer. We packed the trailer, loaded up the car, and started off. Before we got to the end of the street we thought we'd better check the trailer lights. Sure enough, no lights on the trailer. U-turn, then back to home to fix the problem. Half an hour later, we're off.
We had a simple agenda: head north. Stop at the nearest town when we're ready to stop. Look at whatever takes our interest. Take photos.
After quite a few wrong turns, we finally headed north to Bullsbrook, then turned left to head toward the coast. We passed by The Maze, but because we got away so late it was closed by the time we got there.
First stop: Yanchep. When we got there, the only place to stay was completely full. Onto the next town: Two Rocks. At Two Rocks, at the top of a hill near the town was this sculpture:

Nearby there were these amazing sandstone sculptures. The inscription with the sculptures reads, in part:
Waugal Monoliths Legend
The Waugals, legendary spirits with supernatural powers living deep within the Yanchep waters for thousands of years, featured in mythical rites and were regarded with fear and awe by the local natives.
Aboriginal folklore handed down for generations tells how the waugal dragged its victims down into the depths of the lake to imprison them there forever.
The legend, recreated here in limestone by WA Sculptor Mark Le Buse, provides a valuable link with our WA heritage.

Nowhere to stay at Two Rocks, either, so we had to press on.
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